City threatens action for flying American flags on city right-of-way.
Hilshire Village Mayor Ed Davis says, "There is no right for the citizen to put [American] flags in the right-of-way; in the city right-of-way."
Hilshire Village City Council Meeting - March 15, 2005
Hilshire Village City Council Meeting - March 15, 2005
The City does not maintain this, or any other right-of-way in front of residences.
If this resident let the weeds get high in front of his house, the City would tell him he had to cut them and try to charge for cutting them and/or fine him if he didn't.
How Arrogant!!! A few flags seems inexpensive compensation for mowing and otherwise maintaining "City right-of-way".
To The City of Hilshire Village, Texas,
I met Mr. Woodrow Ruthstrom and his family last night, which was as honor. As a Vietnam vet,a former U.S.Marine, a veteran police officer in this area for over thirty years, and involved in Homeland Security training, I'm here to inform you of the following.
If we do not fly our proud American Stars and Stripes during this time of war, we are sending a message of encouragement and hope to our enemies overseas and within. Believe me, our enemies are in our homeland, and some are American born. I have already lost a cousin to this war, and my nephew is on his way to the war zone as you read these comments. I'm proud of this country. We may not be perfect, but this is the country that the people of the world flock to daily.
I pray that we all fly our flag proudly before we have no flag to fly, or it is changed to that of our enemy's. Wake up Hilshire Village City! Wake up Americans! GOD BLESS AMERICA!
TO: village resident said
My parents still live in HV. I spent 25 years of my life growing up in HV.
The City does maintain the right-of-way. Just remember, they are coming around and dredging the ditches to create more mesquiteo breeding grounds.
The veterans does deserve respect. I greatly appreciate the veterans and all that they have done for our country.
I do understand why mr. Ruthstrom is putting the flags up. Construction workers have NO respect for others property and will park, throw trash and pee and anyone yards or flower beds that they see fit. Given the opportunity, I'm sure the Constuction workers would be more than welling to park their trucks up on his front yard under his shade trees.
I think this is another one of those things that have gotten blown out of kilter.
HV Government, why is there no flag in front of the City Hall?
i live in hilshire village,
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